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Last update: June 29th, 2017


The Blog of Master Coria is developing an API system, which serves to perform actions (such as creating Tickets, Media, Reviews, etc.) within a single page-based commands.

All API calls require authentication.

There is an API call which can give you a code to start using the API services.

The API of The Blog of Master Coria are accessible both from special applications using APIs and from the URL of the platform to make calls to the API.

By using the API, you can perform actions (create entries, media, comments, etc), get information (user, platform, etc) and much more actions between some more features.

Get started using the API

To begin using the API of The Blog of Master Coria it is important to know the service base URL. The URL is:


At the base service URL of the API, you can perform all API calls that are available on the platform. Now, you must know all API calls available on the platform and how to use them:

All available APIs


Since june 29th 2017, the controllers "Auth" and "User" have been deleted from the system.

IMPORTANT: The structure for many of the calls to the API of The Blog of Master Coria are following:



{controller}: Driver API call (widgets, posts, respond, auth, user [use lowercase]).

{method}: API call using the controller (for example: for User controller, a call to the API would be: register).

Only the Core controller doesn't require this structure, API calls are written after the base /api service URL. Example:


We also warn that for some API calls must be a type of: Author user.

It is noteworthy that for many API calls must enter additional commands to execute the desired action. The API call that you'll call, will mention you. We could not explain what occupies each of them, because we would cause much confucianism and we don't want to lengthen the content of this page.